Ideally, commercial roof maintenance consists of semi-annual roof inspections and roof cleaning, followed by the repair of whatever roofing issue is detected in the inspection phase to maintain the roof’s strength at the lowest costs. Here is why the process is essential for the health of any commercial roof:
- Lower repair costs – roofs that are inspected and cleaned every six months are less prone to developing faults, such as leaks. If your roofing is not new and it has not been properly maintained up to now, the first inspection is likely to reveal more serious issues, but once they are fixed, the following inspections will probably find only minor issues that are quick, easy and cheap to repair;
- Damage prevention – commercial roofing Connecticut maintenance should include processes intended to prevent future damage, such as the removal of debris from the roof surface and from the gutters or the application of protective coatings to improve the roof’s resistant to UV radiation or to the contact with excessive and prolonged moisture;
- A more attractive roof – a well-maintained, clean roof gives your entire property a well-kept appearance, which will impress your visitors and will also make your commercial facility a better place to work in.