Harsh weather conditions such as heavy winds, ice, snow, the general cold and humidity that are typical for winter can wreak havoc on the structure of your roof. There are several things to watch for during this time of the year, so as to keep your business safe from any outside harm.
The most obvious and common issues you may encounter during the winter is the buildup of snow on your commercial roof. The thing is, most commercial buildings have a flat roofing system, which makes them prone to snow overload and other problems related to this phenomenon. In order to prevent commercial roofing Connecticut area problems from growing too big, you should make a plan about removing snow from your roof in case of need.
Condensation may be another major issue you can come across. It happens when cold surfaces come into contact with warmer air. This may occur even in the case of properly-insulated buildings. You should inspect your roof on a regular basis and work together with a roofing contractor, in order to have proper ventilation and reduce this kind of problem to a minimum.
Wind can also affect the roofing system, and therefore you need to check on your commercial roof to see if there are any wind-caused issues.