Usually, when you start a new project for your house, your first thoughts are about the cost of it. However, an equally important issue that you must take into account is the way you choose the construction materials. Buildings are often exposed to natural elements or danger. For example, water could be the perfect environment for fungus, and mold, which could lead even to the breakdown of many buildings.
The best way to protect your building is to choose construction and building restoration materials that are safe and prevent damage. The most fire-resistant construction material is brick. It also has structural strength that provides a solid and durable construction. Another issue that we have to take into account is choosing home finishes made of fire-resistant materials, such as sandstone, tile, natural stone, granite, etc.
To protect your building from the natural elements like the cold or the heat, use thermal insulating materials. The best choice would be to choose the one which can prevent mold and moisture from occurring. You can easily find fiberglass (wool glass), PIR insulation, polystyrene insulation, mineral rocks or even reflective insulation. Ask a specialist about which one of them might be the right choice for you.
And, because the little details always matter, either for the exterior or for the interior design, choose waterproof materials that help prevent water penetration.