Historical buildings are usually the ones which are older than 50 years and have a certain cultural and architectural uniqueness. In order for masonry structures to preserve their beauty and grandeur, they need to be upgraded on a regular basis. There are several types of historic masonries, including cavity systems, barrier, transitional or mass systems.
Historic masonry materials typically include terra cotta, brick, stone, concrete stone, cast stone and mortar. Masonry walls have changed throughout the years, due to many experimentations and the ever-changing building industry. There are several supplementary elements included in the masonry structure, such as flashings, sealants, iron and steel anchors, and so on.
Saving a historic building may not be easy, but it is a very important building restoration task to do, that many generations will benefit from. You may need to determine the exact importance of a certain historic building in your area. This plays an essential part in raising awareness opening up room for further development in the historic and cultural realm of a certain region.
Another good preparation step is to clearly establish the future purpose of a certain building. This is important if you want to give it a new life.