
Is Your Business in Need of a Roofing Makeover?

Commercial Roof In Need Of Repair

Deciding whether the roofing on your business building can still be repaired or it needs to be replaced is no easy task. If you have been facing roofing issues for a while now, but you don’t know how severe the roof damage is, here are a few clues that you can rely on for the decision:

  • The frequency of leaks – leaks are the most common signs of roof damage, but quite often they are easy to fix. However, if you need to repair the same roof area over and over again and the leak just seems to come back after each rainy period, you probably need to start saving for at least a partial roof replacement;
  • Mold and moss on the roof – the appearance of moss and mold on the roof surface is also a sign that water has penetrated inside the roofing structure and is forcing its way through. If the roof is very seriously affected, repair might not be possible;
  • Debris falling off the roof – debris on the ground in the area that immediately surrounds the building is a sign of very serious damage that probably requires at least partial roof replacement.

The best way to determine whether the damage sustained by your roof is still repairable is to call a professional commercial roofing Connecticut contractor and to hire him for an inspection and for a discussion about the best way to proceed.