
Job interview tips for construction companies

One of the most common mistakes that construction companies do during the recruiting process is relying on poor interviewing skills.

The interview should be prepared carefully in order to bring you conclusive answers from the prospective candidates; in the same time, as an employer, you must also learn to show the proper  attitude during the interview, because you surely want to make the candidates reveal  information about themselves without offering them tips on what you want to hear. After all, an interview is organized so that you can find the best employment match for your company, not to listen to clichés. If you do not ask the right questions, you may end up with the wrong person, so here are the aspects that you should insist on, during the interview:

  • Ask the candidates about previous job accidents that they have been involved in and try to find out if they are responsible enough to take the necessary safety precautions, while working
  • Check the skills of your candidates and determine if they match the job requirements, definitely in the area of precise and detailed masonry restoration contractors.
  • Ask potential candidates to describe their most recent projects; evaluate their attention to details and passion for their work
  • Not least, make sure to verify their work history.