Masonry Services

Masonry And Winter Weather: how to avoid common problems

winter affects connecticut masonry repair replace

Mother Nature tends to be unpredictable, no matter how many winter weeks a groundhog predicts. Dropping temperatures will undoubtedly affect the Connecticut masonry that makes up your property.

How do you know your masonry is affected by the cold weather?

If a material such as brick or mortar contains moisture, it can freeze. The freeze-thaw cycle creates an internal expansion and contraction effect that eventually breaks the brick and mortar. Most stones are porous and absorb water. When water freezes in stone, the stone shrinks. As the water melts and evaporates, the stone expands again. This is a natural reaction, and it is what makes the material adaptable to different weather conditions.

In extreme weather, this porosity can pose a problem. Repeated freeze and thaw cycles create holes in the stone, allowing it to absorb, freeze, and thaw more water. Over time, this cycle causes the masonry to deteriorate.

Repair or replacement schedule

If you notice cracks in the masonry, you have two options: repair them or replace the masonry. Even minor cracks can cause severe damage if left unchecked. You can avoid additional problems and get a seamless look by plugging the cracks. Replacing the brickwork restores the structural strength and prevents future demolition.