
Some Reasons to Hire Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters are independent insurance experts who are usually hired by the owner of the property that has suffered damage because of a storm, a fire, a hurricane, a flood, vandalism, burglary, theft or other, similar events to determine the amount that can be claimed from the owner’s insurer and to provide help with the claims process as well. They are very helpful when it comes to working with the building restoration professionals and getting the insurance company to pay for the damages.  If you are currently on the fence whether to hire an adjuster to help you with your insurance claim, here are a few of the most important tasks these experts can help you with:

  • Initial damage inspection – insurance adjusters not only inspect the damaged property, but they also document every detail of the damage with measurements, photos and videos to be able to provide an accurate estimate of the amount to be claimed;
  • They assist the owner of the damaged property with the filing process, making sure that the claim documents are filled in correctly and submitted by the deadline;
  • They assist the property owner during the negotiations with the insurance company.

Most adjusters work on a contingency basis, which means that they get paid only if they obtain a compensation and their fees are calculated as a percentage of the compensation obtained, so if you hire an adjuster, you don’t need to worry about having to pay high fees out of your pocket.