
Some Pointers for Getting Your House Ready for Winter

Winter is harsh on any building, homes included, so it is very important to get your house ready for the cold season to make the period easier for the building as well as for you. Here are a few things that you should do:

Home Winterization Tips

  • Prevent damage caused by frozen water – when temperatures outside drop, water freezes and turns into ice. When ice accumulates in tight places, such as hoses, sprinklers or faucets, the build-up can cause serious damage, so one of the first and most important things to do before winter sets in is to drain the water from your outdoor appliances.
  • Check the heating – test your entire heating system before winter. Check the heat pump, the furnace, the heaters and make sure all the issues are fixed before the weather turns cold.
  • Preparing the roof – make sure the roof is clean before the first snow comes. A clean roof performs better even with a thick layer of snow on top. Also make sure you a highly skilled Connecticut masonry professional out to make sure no repairs are needed before the cold hits.
  • Preparing the gutters – the same goes for clean gutters as well. Clean gutters can hold the weight of the snow without getting damaged and they can also direct melted snow away from the walls more efficiently.