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Tips and Tricks for Avoiding Masonry Restoration Pitfalls

Tips & Tricks Masonry Restoration

The value of an older building does not refer only to its external or interior appearance, but comprises the totality of its components as a result of the specific technology that has been used, as well as the place and time where and when it was made.

Masonry Restoration and rehabilitation become necessary when the structure of the building is affected and there are permanent cracks or deformations, resulting from strong stresses that led to overcoming the flexibility limits and to the appearance of deformations.

The rehabilitation of a masonry structure can be, in some cases, a labor-intensive process and must include:

  • eliminating the causes that led to the degradation of materials
  • improving the transmission of loads to the foundations
  • linking adjacent vertical elements
  • achieving the cooperation between the vertical structural elements
  • avoiding changes in the structural system

Rehabilitation has as main objective the improvement of the structure, and can be done using compatible materials and reversible processes.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Applying various consolidation methods using hidden elements has proven over time not to always be effective, achieving rather the preservation of the overall appearance of the building instead of its structure.
  • Results of analyses carried out on old buildings rehabilitated using new techniques and material have led to the conclusion that the efficiency of modern techniques decreases with the passage of time, leading ssometimes to results with negative effects.