
Trends In Architecture – The Shape And Functionality Of New Buildings

The most modern trends in architecture will radically transform the way we think about the criteria used for determining building technologies and styles – here are a few trends that are already having considerable impact:

  • Minimalist styles – clean surfaces, natural hues and high functionality are already the trend for homes just as much as for office spaces, on the inside and on the outside as well. Ornaments are skipped entirely or are present only as accents


  • Using natural materials – as the demand for environment-friendly, green and passive buildings increases, houses made from sustainable natural materials such as homes built from logs or from natural stone are becoming more and more popular, or simply using product that lasts a lifetime with the help of skilled Connecticut masonry companies.


  • Prefabricated houses – another new and impactful trend, modular buildings are popular among owners, architects and constructors as they are quick and easy to erect and they provide durable and aesthetically pleasing housing solutions


  • Outdoor living – while in the past, outdoor spaces around the house were taken up by patios, backyards and the occasional grill, the latest trends extended indoor functionality outdoors in areas where climate conditions are suitable for such an approach. Outdoor kitchens are already very popular and outdoor rooms are catching up quickly, too.