Masonry Services

What Are the Most Common Maintenance Issues with an Old Stone Building?

Key Issues Masonry Restoration Common Maintenance

Stone is quite possibly the most resilient material you can think of using in construction. High precision stone constructions like the pyramids can last for thousands of years, and even stone buildings that are not very good quality are known to last longer than most metal or concrete buildings.

Nevertheless, not all stone buildings are built as well as the pyramids, so you’ll need the presence of an masonry restoration expert to deal with the damage. Buying an old stone building without a thorough assessment and inspection of all damages can be a risky business, as the foundation work alone can cost tens of thousands of dollars to complete. Foundation issues are actually among the most problematic maintenance concerns with old stone buildings.

Another issue is the masonry and the mortar. If there are cracks between the stones, water can seep in and deform the building or cause damage that leads to instability over time. A masonry expert has to be called to evaluate such damage in detail and provide an estimate on how much it’s going to cost to fix it. The price won’t always be too low.

Finally, you have to consider problems involving mold and vegetation that may have grown on or through cracks in the walls. Pests may also have built their homes inside or around the stone, which can cause additional problems that might be pretty costly.