Masonry restoration refers to any kind of reparation or action performed on a masonry structure, which does not involve actually building it. It may refer to tearing the entire masonry down and rebuilding it, or to cleaning and sealing the structure.
Some consider that masonry restoration involves the process of tuck pointing, namely that of removing the deteriorated mortar from between the bricks and then replacing it with new mortar. The type of restoration depends on the type of building, but also on the type of mortar that was initially used.
Many buildings only have bricks on the exterior layer, and on the inside they have wood, steel or other type of material. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that masonry has a much nicer appearance for an exterior.
One good reason for tuck pointing is to waterproof the building, knowing the fact that water infiltrations can cause serious damages inside your home.
In order to make a proper masonry restoration, the mason needs to have sound knowledge and experience as does New England Masonry and Restoration about the way a brick building was built, including historical buildings, which were raised 100 years ago, or slightly newer ones. At the same time, it is good to stay in touch with the technological advancements such as safe and efficient water-repellent sealants.