Masonry Services

What Is Involved In DIY Masonry Restoration

industrial Construction bricklayer worker building walls with bricks, mortar and putty knife

DIY masonry restoration is possible, but it is always best to consult with an expert, to provide you with all the necessary guidance, tips and techniques of this type of work before engaging in any project.

First and foremost, there are certain essential tools that you may want to acquire in order to do this type of job. You will need things like: matching bricks, a chisel, hammer, mortar mix, sponge, masonry trowel, a tuck pointer, buckets and scrap containers –for water and mortar, and nitrile gloves.

Then you can start removing the old mortar with help of a chisel and a hammer. You should break it in small pieces, while also being cautious not to damage the old bricks in any way. After that, it is time to mix the mortar.

The next step is to put the bricks on top of each other without the mortar, to make sure the structure is spaced correctly. Then you remove them and can start the actual work by applying a small amount of mortar.

The idea is to make a correct estimation of the quantity of mortar which you apply between the brick layers. Too much mortar can stain the bricks, whereas too little will not hold the bricks together.