Masonry restoration can be quite a challenge, depending on the exact type of building, the type of material, its design and architecture, and, of course, on the age of the building. In case the original materials are no longer available, and therefore cannot be used for masonry restoration, professionals may use engineered materials, which can resemble to the initial appearance of the building.
The changing seasons, together with pollution, harsh weather events, all these can wreak havoc on masonry structures. The sooner you intervene, the better. You can thus even save a building, prolonging its life and helping the community benefit from a beautiful architectural element.
Cracks tend to develop in masonry walls, and water can penetrate into their structure, causing further damage. This is but one of the many problems that can appear in the case of masonry structures. At any rate, you need to estimate the budget, design, the bids, the proposal preparation, the pricing, etc.
In case you find it hard to quote on a masonry restoration project, perhaps one of the things to do is to call on a masonry estimating company. These kinds of companies usually focus on estimating services for masonry restorations and other related works.