Masonry is a traditional building material that has been used for thousands of years around the world for several good reasons – the material is suitable for any climate and provides an attractive and durable solution for any geographical region. Here is why the material is ideal for Connecticut constructions as well:
- Resistance in any weather – no cold, heat, moisture, wind or fire can get to masonry. The material offers durable overall protection from any weather as well as from the widest temperature variations and masonry restoration is long lasting;
- Energy efficiency – masonry walls form a very efficient thermal barrier and is suitable for creating a building envelope that keeps the warm air inside in winter and the hot air outside in summer;
- Resistance to pests – insects, such as thermites can cause serious damage in any construction that uses wood. Masonry walls do not use wood, therefore they are completely safe from pest attacks;
- Maintenance-free building solutions – the exterior surface of masonry walls might get dirty or faded, but repainting the walls is quick and easy and a little paint is about the only thing you will need to refresh the looks of your masonry walls. Very strong impact can cause minor dents in the wall surface, but that can be quickly corrected with a little mortar and paint.