In spite of more recent changes in the approach to gender equality, the vast field of construction and, in particular, the roofing industry, attracts only a small number of women. Statistics reveal that only 0.5 percent of roofers in the US are female, and, according to other polls, most of the young females do not even consider the possibility of working in construction. The main cause of this situation is the deeply rooted mentality according to which women and men must perform different activities – and people still promote this kind of “education” in their own families.
An important role in changing this mentality is played by the training and support women receive. These factors are also part of the current code of practice that urges construction companies to show that they cherish all their workers by encouraging training and creating an environment in which everyone – man or woman – feels respected, fairly treated and encouraged.
Women are getting more involved in the construction and commercial roofing CT industry than in the past, but there is still a long road to go. The good news is that women pursue successfully all kind of activities from installation and manufacturing to roofing research, sales, consulting and management. There is no god reason why they should be discouraged to follow the roofing path, only misconceptions.