
Discussing Your Project with a Commercial Roofer: Tips for Your Business

Helpful Tips NE Masonry and Restoration

When discussing your project with a commercial roofer like New England Masonry and Restoration, there are many tips that you should keep in mind. You must go into the discussion well-prepared and well-informed to ensure the project reaches the desired outcome.

Do your research

Before discussing the project with the roofer, research the roofer and the roofing materials they prefer to use on their projects. This shows you are committed to the project and understand the importance of the roofer’s expertise. Additionally, familiarize yourself with other roofing materials that could be used on the project.

Be clear and detailed

When conveying the expectations of the roofing project to the commercial roofer, be clear and detailed about what the project entails. Ensure you discuss the timeframe in which the project needs to be completed and any potential issues you are aware of, and provide them with digital illustrations or plans.

Leave room for questions

Allow the roofer to ask questions about the project during the discussion. This signifies whether the roofer understands the project and allows them to inform you of any other roofing materials they suggest.

Put everything in writing

To conclude the discussion, ensure to have a written agreement outlining the project’s expectations and the terms of what the roofer will receive once the project is completed. A written agreement provides no room for misinterpretation, and the project is completed to your desired expectations.