Keeping your commercial roof in a good shape saves you from many troubles; assuring the well-being of your business, of your staff and helping you keep your clients.
Perhaps the first thing to do while trying to maintain your commercial roof is check on your roof shingles from time to time. They should be free of debris and in a good state, in general, to avoid the formation of algae, lichen or moss. If there are only a few problematic shingles, you can do the replacement on your own, but if the damage is a bit more extended, you should contact a professional team.
At the same time, you may consider replacing sealant for Connecticut commercial roofing. In fact, experts recommend replacing your roofing sealant every five to ten years. This roof coating has the role of protecting your home from water damage, UV rays and extreme weather conditions. As a side note, the roof should be clean before applying the sealant.
Trimming the trees that are found in the area of your commercial roof is also essential. By doing this, you can avoid unwanted accidents which may occur during storms, and not only. At the same time, you can thus avoid the accumulation of wet leaves on your roof.