
Empowering Women in the Roofing Industry

Women in Construction

One of the first women roofers used to say that roofing is actually similar with laying out a dress pattern.  Only the tools are different.

We are not experienced to tell if this comparison is accurate, but the roofing industry could use the contribution of more women. It has been considered the domain of the men, just like many other industries that demand more physical effort. However, the truth is the absence of women in the roofing industry has little to do  with the  physical requirements, but it has everything to do with their education and the fact that they have been traditionally discouraged  to involve in such domains and “guided” to fulfill more domestic and “feminine” duties.

It is incredibly hard to raise above what tradition tells you to be, because tradition often means family, but this is exactly what some women do these days: they prove that they can fully qualify for construction industry and successfully perform various jobs, both easy and difficult, just like their male colleagues. Most importantly, they are the example that a woman can be happy and fulfilled through her job – and she has to be allowed and encouraged to enjoy her choice without being made responsible for the world`s decadence.

Today, there are volunteer organizations that promote the presence of women in fields traditionally dominated by men and support their careers.

New England Masonry and Restoration supports women in the roofing industry.  Visit their website at