
How to Identify Good Manufacturers of Shingle Products

If you have made up your mind to install a shingle roof on your home, but you are overwhelmed by the choice of shingle manufacturers, here are a few pointers that can help you identify good shingle makers:

Manufacurers Warranty

  • Warranty – the longer the warranty offered on the shingles, the higher the quality of the products, so make sure you find out exactly how much warranty you get with your shingles and on what conditions.
  • Shingle quality – warranty is not the only parameter that determines quality, so try to find out as much as you can about the product you want to use. Read the posts published by roofers on forums, check the product descriptions offered by the manufacturer and find out as much as you can about technical aspects.
  • Customer service – it is very important to choose a manufacturer that you can rely on for product-related information, so try to find out about the manufacturer’s customer service policy as well.
  • Delivery – roofing shingles are lightweight, but even so, they are not easy to handle, unless you are a commercial roofing Connecticut that knows how to deliver, especially if your order is large. Find out about the manufacturer’s delivery policy before you order your products – some companies offer free delivery for orders that exceed a certain volume, so find out whether your order qualifies.