It is well known that concrete, the material that once seemed to be “eternal”, is actually subject to so many deterioration factors that it would be impossible to list all of them: causes related to design, improper application or maturation, atmospheric agents, chemical agents, acid rains, carbon dioxide, differential aeration, carbonation, free currents, high temperatures, freeze/ thaw cycles, wear, erosion, blows, salts and chlorines, abrasion, excessive weights and mechanical stresses, pollutants and… in some situations, even too pure water! All these phenomena and certainly many others have a deterioration action that can weaken the properties of the manufactured product by increasing its porosity, causing cracks and increasing the overall permeability of the matrix by carbon dioxide.
Why do you need professionals when dealing with your damaged concrete driveways?
Because, if you start working on your own, you will soon realize that the process is not simple at all, the results are not the expected ones, and your outdoor spaces, although apparently restored, still do not look restored to their previous aesthetic aspect.
So, you need professional concrete restoration services!
There are several restoration techniques as well as concrete decorative overlays downright revolutionary, offering unlimited design potential. In other words, specialists have the best concrete restoration Connecticut solutions to restore your damaged driveway to its glory days.