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Category: Roofing

Does It Cost More If You Require Emergency Repair Done on Your Commercial Roof?

commercial roofing emergency repair cost more or less

It’s no secret that emergency repair can cost more than a regular repair service. After all, you have to protect your roof and your home from existing damage, and emergency repairs will do that at record speeds. The requirement will be that the roofing technicians will have to mobilize and move quickly to tackle the issue, so that extensive labor will have to be adequately compensated for.

Of course, each case is unique. There are cases when emergency repair could cost a lot less as well; for example:

  • When your roof hasn’t been repaired for a long time and there is extensive structural damage to deal with, then regular repairs on such a roof will be more costly than most emergency commercial roofing CT repairs.
  • A smaller roof will not need as much work or as much money pouring into it as a larger roof, even if the smaller roof requires emergency repairs.
  • Sometimes the damage is not as bad as it looks, so even though you might need emergency repairs, they won’t cost as much as you’d expect.

Now, these are exceptions and they need to be taken with a grain of salt when you consider the overall financial impact of emergency roof repair. However, there is one rule that applies to all roofing tasks: always research the job before paying a lot of money on it, and make sure you ask for a second opinion before you accept the services of a questionable, unlicensed roofer – even if you do need emergency roof repair.

What Is the Difference Between a Shingle, Tile and Metal Roof in Commercial Roofing?

commercial roofing slope metal roof

Materials that are typically used for sloped roofing can be used in commercial roofing Connecticut as well. Even though you might own a commercial building, it doesn’t mean that your building can’t have a regular sloped roof. In fact, many building owners who want to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their buildings will normally opt for a beautiful sloped roof.

In this context, it’s important to talk about the three main types of sloped roofs that you might encounter: shingle, tile and metal roofs. Although metal can typically fall under either category, it’s usually added to a “box” of its own, since it can be used successfully both in flat and sloped roofing.

Shingle roofs are usually associated with asphalt shingles, but they can also be modern versions such as architectural and composite shingles. These are chosen primarily because of their low cost, easy practice of recycling them and impressive appearance (especially in the case of architectural shingles).

Tile roofing can also look great, but its durability is far increased. Whereas a common asphalt roof only lasts about 20 years, a natural slate tile roof could even get close to a projected lifespan of 150-200 years. The only downside is that these roofing materials are quite expensive.

Metal presents an excellent balance between tile and shingle roofs. It can be adapted to any style, and it can also be used as metal panel roofing and adapted to flat roofs. Metal lasts for more than half a century, it’s low maintenance, and it’s also very energy-efficient, making it an ideal candidate for a commercial roofing system.

When It Comes To A Tile Roof, Can You Pick Out Any Color You Would Like?

brick home tile roofing gray

A roofing system plays a very important part in the well-functioning of a home. At the same time, it should also look nice, and should generally fit in the assembly of your entire home. Your chosen color should definitely match your home’s architecture and style.

So despite the fact that you may not always choose any color you would like, there certainly are many options. Especially if your roof is made from materials such as asphalt shingles, there are many beautiful colors and shades.

In case you want to improve the look of your home, you can surely consider trying new colors. There is also the option of creating a contrast with the rest of your building. You can feel free to ask for samples, in order to make the best choices for your roof. You can check a roofing company’s offer on its website, and then ask for them to bring you samples of your preferred colors.

Another thing to bear in mind while deciding on your tile roof colors is that sunlight will certainly influence how your roof will look in the end. Also, you should know that the color of your roof has an impact on the temperatures in your home. Look to New England Masonry and Restoration for your new roofing system.

Is It Better To Put Shingles, Tile Roofs Or Metal Roofs On A Commercial Building?

tile roofs metal new england roofing choices commercial structures

In case your commercial building is sloped, it can be built out of shingles or tiles. The most common types of shingles include wood shakes and shingles or asphalt shingles. Slate is another good idea particularly for sloped type of roofing system. For commercial roofs with a flat surface, such materials are less common. For instance, it is not recommended to put shingles on a flat roof, as they are not sealed and can leak. But this is still possible, if you hire an experienced team of roofers. Also, it is possible to install tiles on an EPDM roof.

Metal roofs on a commercial building certainly represent the preferred choice for many US residents. That is due to the tropical storms which can be a real threat in this part of the world. Metal is very resistant to outside weather, not allowing water to peep inside the building.

At the same time, metal is environmentally-friendly. It can last for decades, and sometimes does not need to be replaced at all. Moreover, most metal roofs are recyclable. Metal is energy efficient, helping you save money on your energy bill, and it is fireproof.

As a conclusion, metal is the most recommended material for mostly any commercial building, find out more from New England Masonry and Restoration.

What Is Included In Preventative Roof Maintenance?

commercial roofing we've got you covered maintenance preventative

Preventative commercial roofing Connecticut maintenance plays a major role in preserving your roofing system in a good shape, for the well-being of those living under your roof. First of all, you must remove all debris from your roof. This includes dirt, gravel, branches, twigs, and so on. The thing is such materials can absorb moisture and therefore can wreak havoc on your roof, causing many problems both to its exterior and to its interior parts.

Drains should also be cleared on a regular basis. This is intended for preventing water accumulations on your roof, which lead to leaks and damage at the structural level of your roof.

The surface of your roof should be inspected often. Thus, you can look out for holes, cracks or any back-out of the fasteners. At the same time, you may discover signs of damage to the roofing membrane.

Another thing to inspect is the roof penetrations, which typically include drains, pipes and other parts which penetrate through the surface of the roof. Therefore, it is essential to check the HVAC units, the gas lines, the rain collars, and so on.

The rooftop perimeter is yet another area to carefully consider. There you can see signs of mold, algae, fungus, etc.