Connecticut is no stranger to storms and even hurricanes with devastating effects. Hurricane season starts in June and you must be prepared even when weather forecast is optimistic.
Storm damage can be severe, especially if you live in a flood prone area, so you need a strategy for such situations. Don’t wait until the last minute to do it.
Before the storm, identify the safe places in your home, where you can shelter, as well as potentially dangerous places (windows, doors, etc.) that need to be secured. Stop the utilities (electricity, gas, water) and put the documents and valuable objects in a safe place.
There are also preventive measures that you should consider permanently; they include trimming the tree branches around your house, to prevent them from falling and damaging your property, as well as having a solid roof above your head designed to withstand weather conditions in your area and maintained regularly to ensure its performance.
If a storm hits your home in Connecticut and you need help, make sure to have a list of water damage and masonry restoration Connecticut technicians in your area, who provide emergency services. They will help you prevent secondary damage, restore your home to pre-storm condition and reduce the cost of restoration.