Masonry Services

Tips from Connecticut Masonry Experts for Prolonging the Life of Masonry

masonry solutions connecticut buildings restoration

Connecticut masonry restoration refers to work done on a residential or commercial property made of old-fashioned materials. It includes minor repairs such as anchorage and water management and significant restoration work to horizontal facing surfaces. When new products are used on old buildings, precise measurements are usually required. Moreover, inexperienced roofers should be avoided because they do not know how to choose the best formulations or deal with the repair or installation processes on historical buildings. 

On account of the fact that Connecticut masonry includes historic buildings of architectural and cultural significance, the restoration process usually entails modifications and upgrades or even complete projects that can preserve the integrity of the buildings. Appropriate Connecticut masonry solutions include developing treatments for masonry materials (concrete block, brick, stone, terra cotta, and mortar). In addition, the restoration of the wall systems can also be considered. There are several types of historic wall systems (mass masonry, transitional masonry, curtain/barrier, and cavity system), and restoration can be performed on all of them to preserve communities in Connecticut and the historic fiber of the country. Holistic documentation is often required in such cases, and it entails reviewing and evaluating the condition of the buildings. 

Within all masonry restoration projects, safety concerns are always the highest priority and should remain as such without variation.