Masonry restoration is the term used for any type of work performed on already existing masonry structures. The purpose of masonry restoration is to restore the appearance and the functionality of the masonry structure – here are some of the most common procedures involved:
- Tuck-pointing – masonry structures being made from brick or stone, they are very strong, their weakest point being the mortar, the material used for joining the pieces of the construction. Tuck-pointing is the process of removing the old, crumbling mortar and replacing it with new mortar to enhance both the look and the functionality of the structure;
- Repairing gaps and cracks – another very common type of masonry restoration task is the filling of any gaps, cracks and chips that affect masonry structures. The mason handling the task will make sure that the color and the texture of the repaired part matches the rest of the structure, so the process is informed by operational as well as by aesthetic considerations;
- The application of sealants – there are many products available for improving the water-resistance of Connecticut masonry structures, all of them easy to apply and very strong. Many sealants will also enhance the appearance of the masonry structure that they are applied on.