The older the roof, the more careful you have to be whenever you hire a roofer to get it fixed. The biggest risk, as your roof ages, is that the next big storm could end up damaging it to such an extent that it can no longer be repairable. The result will be that you’ll need to have it replaced, and that’s not always a practical or a cheap solution.
Maintenance for flat roofs can be used to extend the lifespan of your roof quite a bit. Through proper maintenance, you can find damage and problems that are not yet serious, but that can degenerate in time into situations that require costly repairs or a complete roof replacement.
So, what type of commercial roofing Connecticut maintenance to consider? First of all, make sure to get a professional roofer to inspect your roof at least twice every year. Secondly, you have to clean your roof regularly and keep up with problems you might detect either on your own or with the help of a roofer. These may include mild pooling, small leaks observed on the ceilings of your building’s top floor, damage that is visible from the ground and a temperature that is above normal.
All of these issues can be indications that your roof needs tending to. If your roof is too old, you might even have to replace it, but it’s good practice to ask for the opinion of a professional roofer before you actually make that decision.