When you discover that your roof has leaks, the very first thing you need to do is call on a commercial roofer straight away, for a number of good reasons.
It would be very useful to understand the main reasons why your roof may experience leaks, because this can provide you with relevant clues regarding the exact solutions you can apply to solve your problem.
For instance, the problem may be that of insufficient or total lack of drainage. In other words, water can get accumulated on top of your roofing system. And it is this standing water that can get inside crevices or gaps, leading to the fact that there is a lot of extra pressure on the structure of your building.
We need to note the fact that the drainage system is usually included in the installation phase of a roofing system. And the most important drainage elements should consist of gutters, drains, downspouts and scuppers. All of these elements should be free of debris, in order to make sure that the drainage system is working properly and keeps your roofing system safe and sound. Calling on a team of commercial roofing CT experts can help you prolong the lifespan of your roofing system.