
Why Would You Need Chemical Cleaning And What Does It Remove?

Why Masonry Chemical Cleaning Service work

Chemical cleaning is the process of removing dirt from various surfaces and materials and a part of masonry restoration services, by using chemical solutions. It usually removes hard deposits, corrosive elements and other type of contaminants from the inner surfaces of pipelines, industrial equipment, etc.

Also known as “de-fouling”, chemical cleaning can be completely chemical, thus implying caustic substances and acids. However, it can be associated with the use of solvents, hot water or steam. Chemical cleaning should be done in such a way that it does not harm the environment.

Chemical cleaning involves technologies and equipments which clean a wide range of systems, including seawater cooling, pipes, vessels, drains, heat exchangers, or other components and machineries. Most of the chemical cleaning systems do not even need to stop production during the process. At the same time, these systems can also measure the degree or type of contamination.

In case the chemical cleaning was done insufficiently or if the method was not properly used, there can be severe consequences such as major repairs or replacements, liquidation of production facilities, production shutdown, and so on.

The chemical cleaning can be done by dipping in a solution, by high pressure spraying, by in-place circulation, etc. Exchangers can be cleaned by being soaked in a chemical bath.